1.) Benchmark Analysis (purple sheet). You will use the Scantron from your benchmark test and figure out which objectives you are strongest and weakest in.
2.) Quicklist: This is the last form of brainstorming we will do for your personal narrative essays. In the makeup box you will find a sheet of instructions for the Quicklist Topics. If you have questions, come see me. You will need to open a blank Word or Pages document and make a table with 3 columns and 30 rows (you can add more if you need it, and you do not have to use all of them). The first two columns should be named as seen below.
Use the Quicklist Topics sheet to guide you in getting the first column, Names, completed. Once you have all the Names column completed, you can begin on the Descriptions column. Stay away from only describing someone's physical appearance. Your description should tell me more about the person's personality and who they are, than what they look like. Look at the example below for what I mean.
Here's an example: