Attention Students:
Here is the information you missed in class today. Please understand, this work is due NO LATER than Friday, February 19.
1.) Use the sentence stubs from Tuesday's in-class writing. Choose ONE of the stubs and write more about it. Change the color of the writing you are adding to it today. When you finish, save it again. If you need a copy of the Sentence Stubs from Monday, go to my Public Folder and grab it.
2.) Trigger Word lists. If you are in 4th or 5th period classes, you did not begin Trigger Words Tuesday, so you will start from the beginning. If you are in any other class, you know what Trigger Words are, you just have to begin where we left off on Tuesday. YOU MUST HAVE SEVERAL TRIGGER WORD LISTS TO MEET REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT. Go to my Public Folder in CISD Homes, and find Trigger Words (it is a Powerpoint). Read the instructions and look at my examples and then make your own lists.
3.) When you have made your Trigger Word lists, I want you to choose ONE thing from your lists (not from each one, just one total), and go to the bottom of the page of lists and write a paragraph about that one idea/thought/memory.
4.) When you finish, save it in your English 2 folder.
Lesson Learned
15 years ago