Friday, September 18, 2009

Shakespeare Language

Thy face looked PALED and thy seemed to PEAK as thy awaked from a MARE.  I heard a MINIMUS sound as if a MICHING MERCHANT had come to MOUSE we both.  Alas, twas merely a group of BAN-DOGS down the way, baying at the moon.  Until I lay my head back down, and heard the MICHING once again, only to find the BARNS, playing a round of LOGOATS.  "Come hither!" I demanded at which they fell silent, once again. 

[Thine] sole name blisters our tongues.

I think this is insulting someone by saying when anyone speaks their name, it causes blisters to form on the tongue of the speaker.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Quotes to Think About

Choose one of the following quotes, and discuss it on your blog.

1.) "We never know the worth of water til the well is dry," states an 18th-century English proverb.  Can you apply this proverb to other things besides wells and water?

2.) What do you think poet Ralph Waldo Emerson was referring to when he said, "We boil at different degrees?"

3.) Give your interpretation of the following quotation by Martin Luther King, Jr.: "We are not makers of history. We are made by history."

Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering 9/11

Today is September 11, 2009.  This day marks the 8th anniversary of the terrorist attacks that hit the twin towers of New York, a field in Pennsylvania, and The Pentagon in Washington D.C.

Today I want you to blog about a few things that have to do with September 11th.  In a paragraph, answer the following questions and explain your answers.

1.)  Where were you 8 years ago today?  Do you remember who's class you were in?  What do you remember about the weeks following 9/11? What do you remember seeing or hearing about?

2.)  Do you think twenty years from now we will still be remembering the day of September 11th?

3.)  Why do you think terrorists chose to attack America?  Why not another country?

4.) Do you know anyone that was directly affected by the attacks on September 11th?

5.) If you were to write a story about 9/11, who's point of view would it be from and what would it be about?

5.) Find a picture that represents what 9/11 means to you and include it in your post.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Choose one word from you Week One Vocabulary and use it in an ORIGINAL sentence (that means you have made it up yourself!).  The sentence must reflect the definition of the word!


It didn't take much MUSING to know we had taken a wrong turn and were now lost!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Friendship Bellringer

We are beginning to read Julius Caesar, one of Shakespeare’s most famous plays.  A major theme in the play is that of friendship. 
Which is more important to you, friendship or personal morals/values/beliefs you hold? 
Go to your personal blog:
1.)  go to
2.)  Log in with your username (
and password: bobcats2010. 
Go to New Post and write your answer in the space.  Then publish your post.